JAN 13,2008
I've tried all day to think of one word to describe my uncle Ronald & I couldn't just settle on one I got pretty close on a few of them and my favorite ones are SIMPLE, ELITE, PRIDE, KINDEST & WARMHEARTED! The more I thought about it I came to pick "Simple" He was all of the above & He was the same where ever he was or who he was with, It didn't matter to him. I think he was most happiest at home watching ballgames w/ Blake & he was always #1 at being "Pop" not just only to Peyton & "Goose". He was also "POP" to about 5-6 dozen of babies he's helped raise with my aunt Cindy with over the years! He was the "Genuine" kind you never had to ask him for help cause he'd already be there for you! I never told him but after my "Deddy" passed away in Oct. of 2000, I guess I clung to him cause they were alot alike from their laugh to telling tall-tales to their olive colored skin. I will miss our phone calls about absolutely nothin' to one of my favorites when he called me & told me about one of his new "medicine" that he'd just got & we just both laughed so hard about it! He just had away about him that even as sick as he still wanted to make "you" feel comfortable! He was never quick to judge you! He was the kind of person you'd want in your "corner" I am So happy that he was always in my little corner of this world! What this world needs in a few more like RONALD DIAMOND! ~~~~I MISS & LOVE YOU~~~~"JILL-LA"
My daddy loved you just like you were one of his own....he always has. What's not to love? No matter how bad he felt, you could always make him laugh. I loved to call home and hear him start a story with "That Jill..." or "Let me tell you what good ole Jill has done now..." I bet he and your "deddy" are having themselves a good time catching up and trying to explain to MawMaw Jimmie all the Diamond drama. We're definitely going to miss him...but now he can be everywhere with all of us whenever we need him. Love ya!!! ~Kylie~