May 9, 2009

~Little Smarty's!!!!

~Well, you can see in the top picture the little pair of birds have been trying to claim a post under our porch for their new home. After several attempts with moth balls which they nicely rolled them off outta their way! So, I had a "IDEA" ! I took a rubber snake I had on hand from a previous adventure & stretched him out from corner to corner, Yea, that was gonna fix it! I had out smarted them little birds after all! I go by the door every bit of 20 min's later & she's using the dang snake as a PERCH!!!!!!!!! So i gave up & let them little determined birds just carry on with their business! I just hope they don't mess up our porch & leave it like they found it! I'll keep you posted....... that is the loving couple at the top of my blog......Heckle and Jeckle~

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